
Showing posts from April, 2024

Failures Okcupid PlentyofFish POF Badoo for years, messaging facebook instagram, especially instagram, no messages from women

 There are Elon Musks not sure if he runs his account though I trust this computer on facebook more than facebook on my relatives phone alot of fakes, impersonators of human celebrities celebritys. I have a smart phone mobile phone though no messanger sometimes I'm glad because facebook even facebook dating been like okcupid plentyoffish pof, badoo all failures.

Titanic 1912 and Titanic the Movie with Kate Winslet Philk Party will be with you till The End 2030 2033 2036???

 Titanic 1912 and Titanic the Movie with Kate Winslet Philk Party will be with you till The End 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030? 2031 2032 2033? 2034 2035 2036? Anthony Pray and Dominic Homan do not want to handle any donations to the Philk party SOState and FEC elections commission someoneone will have to register the party in Anthony Pray's name. Pray is his last name. 

Why should I join the Democrats? they helped me so much though I dislike abortion-murder-termination of infants babys

 Why should I join the Democrats? they helped me so much though I dislike abortion-murder-termination of infants babys they're babys in the womb they are living they breath they get nourishment in the placenta as President I'm better than JFK, and better than Joe Biden Joseph Robinette Biden. Dominic Anthony Homan pen name Anthony Pray. I had a pen name MW Anthony I would have stayed in publish america on demand contract big checks for one dollar 2 or 3 of them, the check seemed lousy slapped me in the face 34 dollars was good from lulu I paid Taxes once or twice. Though I'm mentally disabled

Agnostics and Atheists are Also As well welcomed to view the Philk Party by

 Agnostics and Atheists are Also As well welcomed to view the Philk Party by  Anthony Pray, Dominic Homan co creators. I know I'm as good as martin van buren, andrew jackson, donald trump obama, biden, Lincoln. I know I'm of high standards as well taking care with my Dad of Cats two more kittens be adopted so that makes 10 or 11 we rescured Demi's dog and cat rescue needs a new Place location.

Anthony Pray Philk Party Dominic Homan

 Anthony Pray Philk Party Dominic Homan EQUALITY LIBERATION FOR Latins, Blacks, Needy Children, Childcare not abortion if a sea section not abortion Favorite Presidents are Lincoln, Trump, Martin Van Buren and The Whigs History to know they could have tried better and the Congress was Corrupt under Millard Fillmore. Andrew Jackson not for casting out native americans indians though for 1812 stopping the british again.